Mittwoch, 2. September 2020

Part 1

I was born in the countryside in 1967

my mother, a nurse, was very young when I was born, she was only 17

she came from a rather poor family and Germany wasn't rich at that time

of course, she was very beautiful.

Imagine! the time of the Beatles and mini-skirts

she was looking for a man to help her to break out

once, I saw a photo of my father

very handsome, tall with the best car at that time


the first year of my life, I spent at my grandmother's

a real traditional woman

she used to say: "a fatty boy is a good boy"

and so she fed me

as a 1 year-old baby, I was much overweight

Never ever anybody talked to me about

why I wasn't with my mother or father


when I was 1 and a half years old, my half-sister was born

my stepfather was always very correct

 and never made any difference between me and my half-sister

only at the age of 16, I was told that he wasn't my real father

Can you guess the reason why I had to be told that he wasn't my real father?


Imagine, I wanted to be a policeman!

But what has this to do with my real father?

Very simple!

When you want to enter any kind of state service,

all your dates are asked

and there, I found out, at the age of 16, that my father was my stepfather

and that I didn't know my father.

How did I react to this new state of affairs?

Why did I want to become a policeman?


I was not a very good student and not really clever

the people around me were far right wingers

real nationalists, I would even say they were racists

and I was too young, without experience

and therefore I was a racist myself

and people like this often want to get a position where they can use force against others


only later at the age of 18 when I began travelling around in the world, and became a foreigner

I saw that the world wasn't a plate but a globe

everywhere I went, nationalists treated me badly

just as I would have done, had they come to my country

so I felt what racism really meant

it was the liberal and open people

who talked to me and welcomed me

and so, I became liberal and open myself


How did I react to this new state of affairs?

Well, my stepfather was a good and very correct man / father / husband

and I will always be grateful to him

I think that at that time, I just had other thoughts in my mind

like all youngsters at the age of 16 or 17, I rebelled against everything and everybody

my stepfather was not a very fashionable man, not the dream of a man

and as my half sister and me weren't small children anymore,

my mother didn't really need him anymore

and she made him feel it

the older we children were, the more her old dreams of a life in richness awoke

me as teenager, I felt the family ties loosen

I came home late or sometimes didn't show up at all

and as my stepfather was pushed out of the family, he lost his authority

there are many other factors too

I will write about them while going into my childhood a bit deeper

for the last 35 years, I haven't really thought about my childhood

it's partly interesting and partly strange


I had a very carefree and at the same time mindless childhood

I was brought up in the countryside where people are very simple

it was a medieval city with at most 3 000 habitants

a picturesque medieval church and city walls from the same time

however, there was no cinema or even bookshop

of course, a television set in every household

climbing trees, playing in the forest or soccer, riding a bike

a total cultural nihil

but native inhabitants are very proud of it

So, you would ask where my today's knowledge and state of mind came from

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